Our methodology


Whether we are providing counsel or representation in a dispute, two lawyers from our firm will take charge of your case, for improved efficiency and responsiveness, with one preferred contact. We attribute primordial importance to the analysis of the case you entrust to us, so we can offer you the strategy that appears to us to be best adapted to your goals. In order to be able to conduct this level of depth of analysis of your case, we assign particular importance to listening to your needs.

That’s why we offer a meeting at our firm and a phone conference in order to hone in on the contours of your expectations and the legal and judicial stakes in your case.

In addition, our administrative offices are always available to you to provide information in case there are questions about your case and how it is advancing.

Since 2006, we have put into place a paperless filing system. Any paper documents can be scanned and digitized, then manipulated and archived in digital format, without the need for paper copies.

Digitized data are backed up every day and stored, following encryption, at a site secured off the premises.

Paper is only used when it is indispensable, particularly for formal legal needs at judicial procedures – or when digitizing documents would be too onerous (for example, for old or fragile documents, or certain books).